White feather

One of my discoveries since I bought my new Nikon D5100 has been how much I prefer dead plants to living ones! and when I was out with my camera yesterday I saw this plant with its lovely twisted empty seed pods?/leaves?- don’t know what it is so if anyone reading does know do tell me. (Update -Plant is Rosebay Willowherb and this is the seedhead – thank you Caroline – see her comment below)

I was about to set up to photograph it when I notice a bit further away this white feather caught in a sister plant..oooo much more interesting….. couldn’t let that opportunity pass so here are 3 shots of it.

Unfortunately the blasted gentle breeze was moving it all the time so the images aren’t as crisp as I would have liked





You can see my other blog 1500 Saturdays Here                                                                


22 thoughts on “White feather

  1. I like these – the delightful contrast in textures, in colour, and the moisture on the feather. Forget any misgivings about crispness, the feelings these images evoke are sufficient reward.

    • Thank you Louis… I love that you talk about the feelings the images evoke as I am not great technically with a camera ( haven’t got a clue what I’m doing half the time !) I just take pictures that evoke feelings in me too.. sometimes sad, sometimes funny; all kinds of feelings.

  2. Lovely Helen. The feather looks so delicate. It’s a bit tricky without seeing how tall the plant is but I am guessing it could be a Rosebay Willowherb seedhead?

    • Thank you Caroline as soon as I saw what you had written I knew you were absolutely right. Rosebay Willowherb seedhead it is… Funny I know the plant so well and yet somewhow I don’t think I have paid that much attention to it when it is dead.. Isn’t a camera a great thing 😉 makes you notice all sorts !

  3. Pingback: Elf’s Hat ? « Helen's Photomania Blog – a 366 of sorts.

  4. Pingback: Rosebay Willowherb seeds « Helen's Photomania Blog – a 366 of sorts.

  5. Beautifully envisioned, photographed, and presented. The first is my personal favorite. It’s wonderful how the flowing lines in the feather echo those in the seedhead. Not only does it not require tack-sharpness, but you might even try making it a little more softer ethereal by adding a little digital blur and decreasing contrast, as an alternative. But by all means, keep the original, too!

  6. Pingback: Feather and pawprints « Helen's Photomania Blog – a 366 of sorts.

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