A walk in the Lavender Fields – Tranquillity


You can see my other photos in the  “Walk in the Lavender Fields” series here


A beautiful place to sit whilst deeply breathing in the soporific scent of Lavender, accompanied by the music of a thousand bees.



If you’d like to you can read my other blog 1500 Saturdays here  


21 thoughts on “A walk in the Lavender Fields – Tranquillity

  1. There are 4 lavender bushes outside the little museum house where I work, and I smell their perfume when the breeze carries it in through the open windows. Today I was thinking of your photos of infinite fields of the stuff and remembering all the “English Lavender” scented soaps and things I’ve seen. Is there a story about how that particular herb got to be so marketable/popular/prolific/traditional/celebrated there?

    • Probably the Romans brought it over Scilla, they used it a lot for it’s smell and medicinal purposes I think…. I have a huge lavender plant just beside my front door which I have to brush past every day when I go in and out.. trouble is my sense of smell is not so good again 😦

  2. Pingback: A walk in the Lavender Fields – The Weeder « Helen's Photomania Blog – a 366 of sorts.

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